Riverbed Technology Supplier Code of Conduct

Riverbed holds its suppliers, their sub-tier suppliers and any other third party agents to the highest standards of ethics in their business operations in all countries and regions in which we operate and do business. As such, Riverbed has adopted the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct as its Supplier Code of Conduct to promote ethical conduct in the workplace, safe working conditions, protection of sensitive information, the treatment of workers with respect and dignity, and responsible manufacturing processes.

The RBA Code of Conduct is an evolving document that incorporates feedback from numerous participants across the electronics industry. The latest version of the RBA Code of Conduct is available in more than 15 languages on the RBA website at http://www.responsiblebusiness.org/standards/code-of-conduct/. The Code of Conduct includes provisions covering responsible management in labor, health & safety, environmental, ethics, and management systems with the following focus areas:


  • Freely chosen employment
  • Young workers
  • Working hours
  • Wages and benefits
  • Humane treatment
  • Non-discrimination
  • Freedom of association
  • Occupational safety
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Occupational injury and illness
  • Industrial hygiene
  • Physically demanding work
  • Machine safeguarding
  • Sanitation, food, and housing
  • Health and safety communication


  • Environmental permits and reporting
  • Pollution prevention and resource reduction
  • Hazardous substances
  • Solid waste
  •  Air emissions
  • Materials restrictions
  • Water management
  • Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions


  • Business integrity
  • No improper advantage
  • Disclosure of information
  •  Intellectual property
  • Fair business, advertising and competition
  • Protection of identity and non-retaliation
  • Responsible sourcing of minerals
  • Privacy

Management systems

  • Company commitment
  • Management accountability and responsibility
  •  Legal and customer requirements
  • Risk assessment and risk management
  • Improvement objectives
  • Training
  • Communication
  • Worker feedback, participation, and grievance
  • Audits and assessments
  • Corrective action process
  • Documentation and records
  • Supplier responsibility

Riverbed currently holds all its major suppliers accountable to the RBA Code of Conduct:  version 6.0, dated January 2018

Any violation of Riverbed’s Supplier Code by one of its suppliers may result in remedial action(s) including termination of contracts or status as a supplier of materials, products, software, and/or services to Riverbed.

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