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If you are a University and wish to purchase the University Modeler edition, please use the contact form and a sales rep will contact you.


Simulate high-fidelity and scalable networks to accelerate R&D

The R&D process for analyzing and designing communication networks, devices, protocols, and applications can be expensive and time-consuming. Riverbed Modeler provides a comprehensive development environment to model and analyze communication networks and distributed systems. Simulate all network types and technologies (including VoIP, TCP, OSPFv3, MPLS, LTE, WLAN, IoT protocols, IPv6, and more) to analyze and compare impacts of different technology designs on end-to-end behavior. Riverbed Modeler enables you to accelerate R&D projects and optimize investment by testing and demonstrating technology designs before production.

modeler product ordering guide

Riverbed Modeler: Protocol Support

Riverbed Modeler Supported Protocols list for Modeler 18.10 release


Riverbed Modeler enables you to:

Person showing performance metrics

Optimize R&D

Modeler’s parallel and distributed simulation capabilities helps you run network simulations faster. You can leverage three different network simulation technologies to efficiently control simulation details and speed.

Symbolic representation of white colour target

Analyze results faster

Modeler offers rich visualization capabilities to easily interpret simulation results with intuitive charts, tables, and graphs to correlate network behavior.

Symbolic representation of timer icon.

Timer Simplify discrete event simulation

With more than 400 out-of-the-box protocol and vendor device models from Modeler’s library, you can reduce time for discrete event simulation and analysis.


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