
Improve Clinician Performance, Deliver Efficient Patient Pathway, Save Money

How to Improve Clinician & Patient Experience and Application Performance

The need to measure, manage and improve clinician and patient digital experiences is rising. Riverbed Aternity empowers you to deliver the quality of service and responsiveness required by identifying digital experience hot spots across your Healthcare organization. This will set you on a path to action, improvement and cost saving.


Accelerated application log-in times


Average Reduction in IT spend on hardware refresh


Reduction in mean time to resolution (MTTR)
In today’s hybrid world every digital experience matters for both clinicians and patients. Riverbed Aternity contextualizes data across every enterprise endpoint, application and transaction to inform remediation, drive down costs and improve productivity.
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Improve Clinician Experience

Less time spent solving IT problems; more time spent with patients

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Sustainable Cost Reduction

Save energy and CO2 emissions by turning of idle desktops with automation

Digital Company stores data on cloud servers.

Efficient Patient Pathways

Making Digital experiences problem free for clinicians, practitioners, nurses, and consultants

Symbolic representation of digital money icon.

Yearly IT Savings

Reduce money spent on hardware and software refresh


O365 Savings

Monitor and reduce O365 license types. Do you have too many licenses?

symbolic representation of white colour gear

Shift Left in the Service Desk

Resolve service desk incidents faster and more efficiently to reduce costs

Digital Experience Management

AI-Powered DEM for Clinicians and Patients

Aternity Employee Experience

Make Every Experience a Compelling One

Riverbed Platform

Illuminate the Experience, Unify Data, Insights and Actions

Intelligent Ticketing for ServiceNow Incident Response

Targeted, Smarter Incident Response for Healthcare IT Operations Teams

Doctors see the report on their iPads.

Digital Health Webinar with PAH & Riverbed

How Princess Alexandra NHS Trust has empowered Clinician and IT Teams Digital Experiences

Watch now

Top 5 IT Challenges

Riverbed boosts healthcare IT with optimized care and seamless workflows.

Doctor at hospital checking reports in the tablet.

NHS Kent: Drive Change & Seamless Digital Experiences

Find out how KCFHT improved clinician experience, efficient patient pathway and saved IT costs with Riverbed.

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Aternity Mobile for Healthcare

5 Ways to Improve Healthcare DEX with Aternity Mobile


Customers Trust Riverbed


Ready to Get Started?

Reach the full potential of your digital investments with Riverbed Aternity

Solution Brief

Solving Key Challenges for Healthcare Providers

Improve Digital Health Processes Across Every Channel

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