Energy Future Holdings

With Riverbed® Steelhead® and Cascade®, Energy Future Holdings overcame response time and application issues and saved big.
Engen Case study


Energy Future Holdings, one of the largest electrical service providers in Texas, was suffering from response time and overall application slowness over its network. The company needed insight into how applications were running, from the server down to the client, in order to identify and resolve the performance problems.

By installing Riverbed SteelHead and Cascade, the company was able to find where problems were happening before they became larger issues. Some of its locations cut data and telcom line utilization by 50-60 percent, allowing it to avoid a large investment with those providers and avoid costly network upgrades.



  • Problems that used to take four to eight hours are now fixed in minutes
  • Less IT travel, lower IT management costs
  • Reduced bandwidth issues by up to 60%


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Texas, United States


Energy and Utilities


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