Webinar: Microsoft and Riverbed on Work-From-Anywhere Challenges and Exciting New Cloud Innovations

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Are you using collaboration apps, joining video events and streaming more video? Of course you are — we all are!

With the onset of COVID-19, businesses responded almost immediately with policies to protect their workforces and maintain business continuity. Remote workers, mobile workers and traditional office workers all became work-from-home employees — almost overnight. In the process, global enterprises quickly realized that their teams could remain productive provided they had the right tools and technology in place to connect their teams and business workflows. As a result, demand for collaboration and communication services exploded. The already popular Office 365 has grown to 258M monthly active users, and Microsoft Teams has ballooned to 2.7B (yes, billion) meeting minutes every day in March, up 200% from just the month prior.[i]

As regulations have begun to ease, organizations are coming to grips with what the new norm looks like. Most are still working through the details, but it’s clear that they won’t be returning to business as usual. The global crash-course in remote work has taught us all that we really can work from anywhere — and still be productive.

What happens when you can’t?

72% of companies report that network performance is a key concern[ii]. And, it’s no surprise. With billions of work-from-anywhere teammates sharing files and joining video meetings, the networks to support them continue to grow in complexity, and the sheer volume of data traversing is taxing, too. All of these factors impact the performance of applications like Office 365, Teams, and Stream lowering the ROI enterprises expect from these modern application investments.

Teammates can have the best collaboration apps, but their work-from-anywhere networks are often less up to the task. In fact, Riverbed’s recent Future of Work survey (July 2020), found that 37% of business leaders feel remote performance issues result in weaker employee performance and productivity. The most common network inhibitors impacting application end user experiences productivity are:

  • Latency – which creates network bottlenecks, increases load time, and is multiplied significantly with chatty cloud and SaaS applications
  • Congestion – from the massive amounts of data from heavy file sharing and live and on-demand video causing delay, packet loss, and blocking
  • Unpredictable Last Mile Performance – which IT doesn’t control but must accommodate when delivering applications to remote employees

How can you ensure work-from-anywhere productivity?

The reality is that your remote teams don’t need to be impacted by these factors. Your work-from-anywhere teams can turn on 10X faster O365 experiences, 33X faster file sharing and up to 99% reduction in bandwidth — in a matter of minutes — with application acceleration solutions from Riverbed.

Want to know more? View this on-webinar with David Totten, CTO, US One Commercial Partner at Microsoft and Dante Malagrinò, Riverbed Technologies, CDO as they discuss:

  • Work-from-anywhere networking challenges
  • The rise of video and SaaS collaboration apps
  • Exciting application acceleration solutions — with live demos — for enhanced networking that help maximize the value of enterprise investments in Office 365 and Microsoft Teams and Stream productivity

It’s a virtual event you won’t want to miss!



[i] Microsoft Work Trend Index, April 2020

[ii] Tech Target, February 2020





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