Riverbed Hits the Road Again for EMPOWEREDx

Fernando Castanheira Headshot

Like many professionals, I’ve grown accustomed to using various digital channels to connect with people. But there’s just something special about meeting customers in person. I enjoy hearing directly from users about how Riverbed solutions allow them to create better digital experiences, simplify IT, and (particularly in this economically challenging environment) cut costs while still enabling maximum productivity. And I’m not alone: We’ve found that our customers love meeting with other users and peers in the industry as well to see how they’re addressing similar challenges and succeeding.

Riverbed EMPOWEREDxThat’s why I’m looking forward to EMPOWEREDx—Riverbed’s annual customer community event. Last year’s global roadshow served as an opportunity to meet users and discover the challenges IT teams are facing, such as data overload and the need for more automation. This year, we’re visiting five cities across three continents to discuss Igniting Exceptional Digital Experiences, and to connect with those seeking to become leaders in the digital experience movement. In addition to Riverbed’s executive and technical speakers, I’m excited that we’ll have many customers—including EDF Energy, Global Credit Union, Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust NHS, Unilever, and many more—joining us to share their digital experience journeys. 

As Global CIO at Riverbed and formerly a CTO at JPMorgan Chase, I understand the allure and excitement of cutting-edge tech solutions. However, it’s important not to lose sight of the ultimate goal: enhancing the lives of the people who use these technologies. At Riverbed, our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and their satisfaction and success are the driving forces behind our innovations.

The EMPOWEREDx event is a reflection of our commitment to nurturing a strong relationship with our valued customers. It offers us the chance to listen directly to your experiences, challenges, and triumphs — gaining invaluable insights that shape the future of our solutions. EMPOWEREDx also provides a platform for us to showcase our latest innovations, giving you hands-on experiences and live demonstrations. Our hope is that this tangible and interactive approach further fosters trust and confidence in our products, as you get to witness firsthand how they can revolutionize your digital experiences and drive meaningful results in your organizations.

Join in for an immersive experience 

What sets EMPOWEREDx apart from other events is that we designed it to be a fully immersive event and not just a place to hear speakers talk. So bring your laptops or tablets and be prepared to take part in breakout sessions. You can expect presentations, demo or lab experiences, and roundtable discussions aligned with key use cases. For example, here’s what we’ll be covering throughout the event during the breakouts.

  • Intelligent incident response & remediation: In this hands-on lab and discussion, you’ll delve into the world of intelligent automation and discover how it can free your IT staff from monotonous tasks, leading to a transformation within your IT organization.
  • IT cost optimization: IT is always dealing with budget constraints, especially with today’s economic climate. The pressure is on to cut costs, and we’ll reveal how to do it while actually improving digital experiences.
  • Redefining digital excellence: Learn how high-fidelity performance data from multiple domains enables IT teams to accurately identify user experience issues and take prescriptive, targeted actions. The result? Increased employee productivity, happier employees, improved service quality, and a positive customer experience.

Join us live!  

We’re looking forward to meeting you and having you take part in what’s sure to be an unforgettable event. If you live near one of these cities, mark your calendars. 

  • August 23: Brisbane, Australia
  • September 12: Dallas, USA
  • September 19: NYC, USA
  • September 19-20: Paris, France
  • October 10: London, UK

EMPOWEREDx is an opportunity to develop deeper relationships with other Riverbed customers and gain insights that will help you become a leader in the digital experience movement. If you can’t make it to one of our stops, schedule a free demo of Riverbed solutions or Riverbed Acceleration solutions to discover how our technology creates transformative digital experiences. We look forward to seeing you at EMPOWEREDx!

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