Great partnerships make a difference! Just think of Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, Elton John and Bernie Taupin, Bill Gates and Paul Allen. These relationships are known for their amazing success in sports, music, and business. Each partner brought a different skill set to the relationship. Without Pippen’s defense, Michael Jordan would not have six NBA championships. Without Bernie Taupin, Elton John wouldn’t have sold 300 million records. If Paul Allen hadn’t negotiate the deal to purchase the QDOS operating system, Microsoft would not have changed the PC industry forever.

A great partner consists of many things. Top of mind would be shared vision, mutual contribution, and solid relationships. As the leader of a sales organization, I am always looking for a great partner that will help me enable my sellers and more importantly, our customers be successful in their digital journey. Gigamon is a partner that brings these characteristics to Riverbed, our partners, and to our customers. Together we are able to meet the needs of our customers. Together we empower our customers to maximize their investments in their digital infrastructure. We do this by assembling data across the hybrid infrastructure to ensure the critical services the business depends upon are performing to their maximum potential.
Here’s how it works: The Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric captures all network data, processes it and sends it to Riverbed Network Performance Management solutions. Digital teams can leverage advanced capabilities for optimizing network loads, analyzing applications, and detecting and responding to threats. Together our solutions can scale to the needs of the largest networks in the world and quickly pinpoint gaps in IT performance that could disrupt business performance.
Additionally we share a common partner ecosystem where our customers can engage the experts for their industry who share the Riverbed and Gigamon joint vision to maximize digital performance and business performance impact.
We would welcome the opportunity to come together to discuss your goals and determine how our partnership can help ensure that you achieve them.
We also invite you to our upcoming joint webinar on “Network Resiliency and Security Tips for a Remote Workforce”on May 21 at 2:00 PM ET to learn more about this great partnership and how we can help you ensure remote workforce productivity.