Riverbed Changes the Incident Response Paradigm with Intelligent Ticketing

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What if your solution could quickly identify and isolate the root cause of problems and provide intelligent recommendations for remediation before a ServiceNow ticket has been generated? What if the ServiceNow ticket was automatically assigned the right severity and routed to the right level based on the relevant context and insights? With Riverbed’s full fidelity insights, complex ticketing workflows become razor sharp, highly automated processes.

In today’s market, IT Operations teams need fast, context-driven insights to optimize business performance. The increasing complexity of managing incidents in multi-cloud environments, Service Desk and Network Operations teams has resulted in overwhelming volumes of data, alerts and tickets. However, siloed domain-specific monitoring tools fail to provide context or actionable insights. Additionally, limitations in automation scope, diagnostic information gathering and time-consuming steps for ticket documentation negatively affect first level resolution rates and costs, making it hard to effectively prioritize the flood of tickets.

Riverbed’s Unified Observability portfolio solves these problems by delivering full-fidelity telemetry and actionable insights for an organization’s entire technology stack, from applications and infrastructure to end-user experience. With its integration with ServiceNow, the market leader for ITSM platforms, Riverbed provides deep ServiceNow incident context to Service Desk agents and Network Operations teams. Riverbed’s triage, diagnostic and remediation automations streamline ServiceNow ticket creation and escalation.

Riverbed and ServiceNow cross-portfolio integration

Riverbed’s integration with ServiceNow aligns with ServiceNow’s vision of a single, unifying platform for companies advancing digital transformation programs. The combined solution delivers targeted incident response context and automation across Digital Experience Management (DEM), Application Performance Management (APM), and Infrastructure Management (IM) operational data domains. Riverbed offers direct integration within individual Riverbed portfolio products when event-driven ticketing makes sense, and delivers proactive ticketing with built-in intelligence across complex incidents.

Provide targeted, smarter incident response for IT operations teams

With its ability to easily integrate with third party observability tools, Riverbed IQ reduces the noise and eliminates the source of duplicated and false-positive ticketing, significantly reducing the volume of tickets created in ServiceNow. It replicates advanced investigative processes by correlating operational data across public cloud, private cloud, and data center infrastructure layers, looking for anomalous behaviors indicative of an emerging incident. When Riverbed IQ detects an anomaly, it automatically performs an investigation. If the behavior is identified as important based on anomaly thresholds, it creates a ServiceNow ticket with the right severity and assigns it to the right team, providing supporting incident context, cutting through the noise caused by event-based ticketing.

Empower L1 service desk agents to resolve issues faster

Riverbed Aternity provides Service Desk teams with extensive insights and tools to troubleshoot issues faster, make accurate decisions and resolve incidents without escalation. Aternity monitors end user devices, correlates device and application performance with user behavior, and identifies potential issues with the end user digital experience. When a degraded end-user experience issue is detected, Aternity automatically creates a ServiceNow incident and embeds employee-specific insights within the ServiceNow ITSM UI. With just one click, Service Desk agents can remotely perform investigative actions on any device to accelerate their troubleshooting.

Deliver higher-order incident response for network operations

Together with Riverbed IQ, the RIverbed Network Performance Management (NPM) suite revamps the reactive stance of NOCs, involving manual correlation of event data, by automatically correlating full-fidelity operational data, not just events, and surfacing actionable situations as ServiceNow tickets. Rivered IQ zeroes in on the root cause of a problem and provides the specific context immediately upon ServiceNow ticket creation. Riverbed offers end-to-end visibility and embeds actionable insights directly into the ServiceNow ticket, reducing escalations.

Riverbed’s Unified Observability portfolio, integrated with ServiceNow, empowers IT Operations teams to proactively resolve issues and optimize business performance. By delivering targeted incident response context and automation across operational data domains, Riverbed reduces noise and provides deep insights, enabling IT teams to resolve issues faster and reduce costs.

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