Ensuring Compliance for Better Business Resilience

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In today’s hybrid environments, network performance management (NPM) is critical for any organization’s success. Networks are the backbone of modern businesses, enabling communication, collaboration, and information sharing. However, with the increasing complexity of networks and the rise in cyber threats, ensuring network performance can be a challenge.

Why compliance is a pillar of business resilience

Business resilience is the ability of an organization to withstand, adapt and recover from disruptions and challenges. One critical aspect of business resilience is compliance, which refers to adhering to legal, regulatory, and organizational standards that apply to your business. Compliance plays a crucial role in network performance management and can help organizations fortify their network.

What compliance looks like for your hybrid network depends on your industry. For example, highly-regulated industries like government, medical and financial services usually have more stringent compliance requirements. Careful adherence to security and operational standards, however, is a necessity to some degree in every hybrid network.

When your network fails to meet internal and external compliance requirements, you risk creating security gaps and incurring fines. A hybrid network actively managed to operational and security standards, however, is able to remain compliant even in instances of network disruption. This level of compliance allows organizations to effectively maintain resilience on older applications and services while introducing new technologies.

Compliance can help improve network performance by:

  1. Enhancing Security: Compliance regulations often require the implementation of security measures that can help protect against cyber threats and minimize the risk of data breaches. By implementing mandated security measures, organizations can improve network performance by reducing downtime caused by security incidents and ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data.
  2. Reducing Network Downtime: Compliance regulations also require organizations to establish failsafe procedures to ensure business continuity in the event of a cyberattack or system failure. By implementing organization or governmental compliance measures, businesses can reduce network downtime, ensuring that critical business processes can continue even during an outage. This can help improve network performance by minimizing the impact of network disruptions on business operations.
  3. Streamlining Network Management: Compliance regulations often require the documentation of network configuration and management processes. By implementing standardized processes and procedures, organizations can streamline network management, making it easier to monitor and troubleshoot issues. This can help improve network performance by reducing the time required to identify and resolve network problems.

Compliance is not just a legal requirement but is also a strategic imperative for businesses looking to optimize their network performance. By prioritizing compliance and implementing the required security measures, policies and procedures, organizations can ensure their networks are performing at their best while also meeting regulatory requirements. This ensures a secure and reliable digital experience for employees and customers, safeguarding people, assets and overall brand equity.

Ensure operational governance and compliance

The Riverbed NPM portfolio helps network teams with oversight through orchestration and data management. Compliance, whether directed by organizational or governmental requirements, is a way to safeguard the network in addition to the business. With new operational governance features like automated orchestration, IT teams can stand up, take down and redeploy Riverbed NPM products to a known safe state seamlessly. Riverbed NPM also now accommodates governmental standards like the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) and Section 508 to ensure uniform practice and accessibility.

Failure to comply with such regulations can result in major fines, loss in revenue and negative customer sentiment. So, whether you are addressing requirements for security, fiduciary, accessibility, or other standards, Riverbed NPM ensures business resilience by leading the industry with regulatory compliance requisites for the modern hybrid network.

For more information on business resilience and how the Riverbed Network Performance Management portfolio can help your organization, please visit this page.

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