EMA Releases New Report on Network Observability

Heidi Gabrielson

The recently released report by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), Network Observability: Delivering Actionable Insights to Network Operations, is sponsored by Riverbed and helps IT buyers understand what traditional network performance management vendors mean when they use the term network observability.

New EMA report on Network Observability
This new EMA report defines network observability for IT buyers

In fact, the purpose of this report is to define network observability for IT buyers, so they can effectively communicate about emerging NetOps requirements and the innovations that vendors, like Riverbed, offer to address those requirements.

Network teams besieged

Network operations teams are struggling to maintain visibility in today’s rapidly changing digital environment. In fact, fewer NetOps teams are successful in their mission than ever before, with the number declining from 47% in 2018 to 27% in 2022.

Some of the significant challenges the survey uncovers includes:

  • Data conflicts between individual tools, limiting IT’s ability to correlate insights across data types  
  • Lack of actionable alerts generated by network tools
  • New drivers of new NetOps visibility requirements, like remote work and real-time applications 
  • Organizations prioritizing the optimization of their network tools so lower-skilled admins can do more problem-solving

Network Observability

The report also includes interesting data about what network teams are looking for in a network operations solution. Essentially, the most essential observability features include:    

  • Data visualization              
  • Traffic analysis
  • Change detection and validation
  • Automated escalations

Respondents also want to automate troubleshooting with their network observability tools, however they are most interested in automating root-cause analysis and problem isolation. Additionally, nearly half of respondents believe anomaly detection is essential for efficient troubleshooting.

Riverbed IQ Unified Observability

Riverbed IQ is Riverbed’s Unified Observability service, which empowers network teams to solve problems fast by simplifying and accelerating troubleshooting. It leverages these key features:

  • Full-fidelity Riverbed telemetry for network, infrastructure, application, and end user experience data
  • Anomaly detection (AI, ML, and correlation) to identify only the most business-impacting events
  • Automated workflows to gather relevant data for one-stop troubleshooting

Watch this short video to see Riverbed IQ in action:

For more information about Riverbed IQ, click here, or if you like to read the EMA Network Observability report, visit this link.

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