Riverbed Aternity Named a Strong Performer in The Forrester EUEM Wave

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It’s been a busy year for analyst reports in the Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) and End User Experience Management (EUEM). Riverbed’s Riverbed Aternity DEM platform covers the full spectrum of digital experience: from monitoring the performance of real business activities on end-user devices, all the way to the backend systems that power them. This means going toe-to-toe with a wide range of other vendors. Today we’re going to look at what Forrester Research has to say about Riverbed Aternity DEM.

What is End User Experience Management?

In general, Forrester defines End User Experience Management as “A set of client-side capabilities that helps operations pros manage the daily technology experience of employees by collecting and analyzing telemetry data from employee devices, apps, networks, identity, and user feedback.” (Forrester Now Tech: End-User Experience Management, Andrew Hewitt, Q2 2022). The key here is that Forrester focuses exclusively on monitoring and managing the employee digital experience.

The Forrester Wave™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022 evaluates and scores the top nine EUEM vendors based on 30 key criteria. We are excited to be named as a Strong Performer this year, and to see a major analyst firm like Forrester understand the Riverbed vision and articulate the differentiators and strengths we continue to work on for our customers.

Most notably, analyst Andrew Hewitt writes: “Aternity targets the full spectrum of digital experience monitoring for both employees and customers, which is unique in this market. Its User Journey Intelligence capability best represents this.” Our teams have worked hard to deliver capabilities that cover the full spectrum of Digital Experience Management for busy IT teams, and it’s encouraging to see Forrester Research call this out.

Aternity User Journey Intelligence for End User Experience Managment
Measure the end user experience of ALL of the applications involved in the customer journey

But what do we mean by “Full Spectrum DEM?”

Think of it as a way to connect telemetry to business outcomes from employees to customers, and from front-end applications to the back-end infrastructure that powers them. This includes:

  • Insights into the digital experience of both customers AND employees.
  • The measurable impact of digital experience on business outcomes AND technical telemetry.
  • Unified performance visibility of both employee devices AND the application service, including cloud-native environments.
  • A big data approach that captures and stores ALL transactions without sampling.
  • The ability to measure actual employee experience for ALL types of application

Another observation by Forrester clarifies that this strategy is a true differentiation point for the Aternity DEM platform: “Aternity’s core differentiator is full-stack application transaction monitoring. Uniquely, Aternity can measure click-to-render for both web and client apps, with full visibility into client, network, and back-end infrastructure dependencies.”

Aternity Digital Experience Index
Aternity automatically identifies hot spots across your entire enterprise impacting employees and customers.

These differentiators—such as click-to-render measurements—continue to be a major focus for the Aternity DEM platform as we continue to find new ways to solve real-world problems for our customers. As busy Help Desk and End-User Compute teams are pushed to do more with the same (or even fewer!) resources, we continue to develop these end-to-end capabilities into our single, unified platform.

If you want to learn more about the EUEM space download a complimentary copy of The Forrester Wave™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022, or get started right now with a with a Request Demo.

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