Application Acceleration for Today’s Distributed Enterprise

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Today’s IT teams are challenged like never before—expected to support work from anywhere and provide secure, fast access to needed applications from any location. Then there’s the matter of where those applications are based, which is complicated as it varies from app to app. This makes providing the acceleration needed to drive employee productivity on those apps more challenging than ever. And, let’s not forget the challenges presented by the network that these applications run on, which as it evolves becomes increasingly distributed and complex. They don’t just support on-premises MPLS solutions, but also mobility and internet-based applications as well.

The enterprise network needs a differentiated solution for networking, connectivity, and acceleration for every app.


It’s relatively easy to find vendors to address one issue or another. But, how can any one of them handle the complex set of issues you face? Could there possibly be a company with a holistic solution? Could that company address such a highly complex, multi-faceted challenge? You can dream, right?

Fortunately, the answer is, Yes! There IS one company uniquely qualified to provide a holistic solution—better yet, a fast, agile, and secure acceleration of any app over any network to users, anywhere. We are that company. We’re in the business of application acceleration. Our solutions are trusted by 95% of the Fortune 100 as well as 83% of the Forbes 500. To learn more about our application acceleration solutions, watch this.

Riverbed optimizes network performance & accelerates applications

Our acceleration solutions are based on 15+ years of industry leadership and innovation. They boost end-user digital experience and productivity by enabling up to 33x faster app performance anywhere. And, bandwidth consumption is also reduced by up to 95%—even under sub-optimal network conditions.

Application Acceleration Benefits


Riverbed maximizes cloud value

Our Application Acceleration solution can speed migration and access to workloads for multiple IaaS platforms. This includes Microsoft Azure, AWS, Nutanix, and Oracle Cloud. We also accelerate cloud-to-data-center replication flows by 50x or more through proven data transport and application streamlining innovations. Our fully managed cloud service accelerates SaaS performance by overcoming network inhibitors such as latency, congestion, and the unpredictable last mile of today’s mobile workforce for leading SaaS applications. These include Microsoft 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Box, etc.

Riverbed accelerates app performance for today’s remote workforce

Riverbed Application Acceleration boosts performance by 10x or greater direct from the user desktop. Workers get the application performance they need no matter where they’re working. We extend best-in-class WAN Optimization and the industry’s only application acceleration to remote users. We provide fast, secure access to on-premises IaaS and SaaS-based applications. And, we do this across any network.

Riverbed speeds video content delivery for today’s dynamic workforce

Riverbed provides a reliable, secure, and easy-to-deploy video distribution solution. And even better, we do this without the need to change or upgrade any existing network infrastructure. Our scalable, cloud-based platform speeds the delivery of bandwidth-hungry video content directly to users by up to 70%. We can also reduce bandwidth by up to 99%.

Riverbed Acceleration boosts performance, productivity, and digital experience.
Riverbed Acceleration boosts performance, productivity, and digital experience.

To learn more about our application acceleration solutions, go here.


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