Transforming Global Financial Services with Riverbed Aternity DEM


Does your organization support financial services companies? If so, you know that the global financial services industry has undergone a rapid digital transformation in recent years, driven by evolving customer expectations, remote and hybrid work, infrastructure modernization, and an increasingly competitive landscape. Financial institutions now face the challenge of ensuring exceptional digital experiences for their customers and employees while adhering to strict regulatory standards and maintaining optimal performance across a diverse range of digital services. This challenge comes especially as both customers and employees demand a lot more when they interact with technology—whether that is a customer interacting with the financial institutions site and mobile app or the employees who work for these organizations.

This is why the leading global financial organizations leverage the Riverbed Aternity Digital Experience platform—a comprehensive solution designed to address the unique challenges they face while maintaining their competitive advantages. With Riverbed Aternity, companies can gain insights into customer journeys, both converting and non-converting, and track user experience at every step of their journey, identifying and optimizing the highest-converting paths and eliminating any roadblocks. In addition, the platform can monitor the employee experience for critical business applications used to support customers, reducing friction during customer journeys due to broken links and other issues.

Enhancing customer experience

At the heart of every financial institution’s success lies exceptional customer experience.  Riverbed Aternity DEM helps global financial services companies monitor and optimize the performance of their digital services, ensuring seamless and satisfying experiences for customers. With Riverbed Aternity’s advanced analytics and insights, financial institutions can proactively identify and resolve performance issues, thereby minimizing customer frustration and maximizing satisfaction.

One of these ways is with Aternity’s User Journey Intelligence (UJI) functionality. With UJI, Riverbed Aternity leverages advanced Real User Monitoring (RUM) technology to track user journeys and analyze web page load time, providing insights into top-line business metrics such as revenue, customer engagement, and customer abandonment. The platform also offers Synthetic Transaction Monitoring (STM) for proactive issue identification. This is unique to Riverbed Aternity, where financial services companies can gain a competitive edge over pure-play DEM vendors lacking RUM, STM, or both.

Boosting employee productivity & accelerating digital transformation

In addition to improving customer experience, Riverbed Aternity DEM also enhances employee productivity by providing insights into the performance of internal applications and systems. By identifying bottlenecks and performance issues, Riverbed Aternity allows financial institutions to optimize their internal processes and workflows, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.

As the global financial services industry continues to evolve, organizations must be agile and adaptable to stay ahead of the curve.  Riverbed Aternity DEM has supported financial institutions in their digital transformation journey by providing the tools and insights needed to optimize and innovate their digital services. With Riverbed Aternity, financial institutions across the globe have confidently embraced new technologies and delivered exceptional digital experiences to both customers and employees.

When Swiss Re, a leading provider of insurance, reinsurance and other forms of insurance-based risk solutions, underwent their digital transformation strategy they aimed to simplify collaboration among global teams and between Swiss Re and its external partners and customers. However, their existing device performance monitoring tool couldn’t provide a comprehensive understanding of their workforce’s experience, making it hard to interpret and scale. With Riverbed Aternity, Swiss Re was able to remotely, proactively, and non-invasively measure actual end-user experience, improving visibility and efficiency gains.

“What we particularly liked with Riverbed Aternity was the ease in which we could analyze and correlate data. Riverbed Aternity makes this insight easily available to a broader audience in a format that is scalable and sharable with our internal stakeholders,” said Joost Smit, Digital Workplace Solution Architect and Engineer at Swiss Re.

Looking ahead

These are just a couple of examples of how the Riverbed Aternity Digital Experience Management platform is the ideal solution for global financial services companies looking to navigate the complexities of today’s digital landscape. By providing real-time insights into application performance, end-user experience, and overall system health, Riverbed Aternity DEM empowers financial institutions to deliver exceptional digital experiences, maintain regulatory compliance, and drive business growth.

To learn more about how Riverbed Aternity is helping financial services companies stay competitive in while addressing today’s challenges, watch our webinar on “How IT in Financial Services Can Stay Competitive in Economic Uncertainty,” featuring Emma Beckers, Senior Lead Engineer at Wells Fargo.

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